Great discussion!!  Really enjoying all the thought and insights (on
both sides).

In general, I have to side on the pro-ET side here.  The %u201Cmale
refrigerator blindness%u201D and peripheral vision problems are
important, and must be considered.  But don't these problems have
corollaries in talk-aloud (e.g., unnatural behavior or telling the
interviewer what you think they want to hear) and every other method?

I must say that I think the characterization of ET data
interpretation as %u201Cmaking shit up%u201D is unfair for two
reasons.  First, making shit up is the basis of data interpretation. 
Couldn't giving several %u201Cexperts%u201D the same talk aloud
protocol and test interface also lead to more than one story? 
Claiming that ET interpretation is more susceptible to variance might
be more fair (and less abrasive).  Secondly, the reliability of
analysis is only as good at the analyst.  If the experts surveyed
could not tell that the data with different thresholds were the same,
or even worse did not ask what the thresholds were, I think the
problem may lie with their approach to analysis (or level of
expertise).  A true expert knows the limitations of ET (and any
method they use, including talk-aloud and task-based protocols, both
of which have plenty of limitations) as well as important ways to
expose and deal with those limitations. 

My take is that ET work should be reserved for specific situations,
and ET is best used to complement other methods.  Handled with care,
I think ET can provide quite a bit of insight.  


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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