Kim: "I'm looking for tools I can use to quickly push out interface
concepts for feedback."

I would ask myself in this position, what am I looking for feedback

Presentation layer interaction or user's workflow?

If you're still focused on workflow I feel there are better mediums
to communicate the design intention than an interactive mockup. 
Wireflows might suit your needs as a way to communicate intended
workflows & interaction concepts to remote users

If you're happy that you understand the user's workflow and want to
ensure they can interact with the system 'intuitively' then be aware
of the limitations of presenting interactive concepts which are out of
context of the larger system and/or have incomplete workflow paths. 
If what you present to them looks like 99% real deal and they hit a
weird limitation of your mockup medium - the 'suspension of
disbelief' game is blown along with the value of any feedback.

Ideally you would be able to communicate design intent with the user
and walk them through concepts.  As you do not have this luxury I
would say that if I was in your shoes I'd make a call on how much
effort I would be willing to put in to my mockup to get over what I
describe as the uncanny valley of prototypes: a level of fidelity
that is neither sketchy enough for suspension of disbelief or
complete enough to be realistic.

Here's a simple graph explaining my thinking

regards /pauric

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