uh, here's my thought reading this thread.
1. it is always great to catalog failure. Scott Berkun in his
presentations talks about this a lot.

2. this feels thought a bit off. You start out basically saying "as
a digital designer there is nothing I can do about this, but let's
create a list of issues with items I have no stake in their

a. we aren't all only digital designers (let's not thread on this
one. It's true, deal w/ it!)
b. complaining about stuff that you have no intention of helping with
feels well like whining. If you are only a "digital designer" but
your interest includes other areas, then learn the skills to do what
interests you instead of just complaining about it.

BTW, I want to 2nd @petermorville's inclusion of @MarkHurst's list
of "This is Broken". Always a fun read!

-- dave

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