
  Let's take a breath and reset for a moment.

The point of user research is to learn about who users are and what they do.

The point of usability testing is to observe someone interacting with a design to learn *why* things work or don't work for them. Though participants often give their opinions, what we care about is how easily participants can reach their own goals with the design as they perform tasks that are realistic. It is important to have participants who are like the real users. There are ways to do that that aren't that difficult or expensive.

Usability testing is not scientific. Especially if you're evaluating design concepts and prototypes. There's a lot of art and craft involved in learning from humans. BUT usability testing can be very useful for experimenting with design ideas and eliminating frustrations that may have been introduced by drawing the wrong inferences from your earlier research about users.

  Usability testing is one tool. It's not the only tool.


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Dana Chisnell

dana AT usabilityworks DOT net

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