Thanks Kim for broaching this subject, it's such an extremely
important issue. 

The things I think about the most is access & workflow. As it stands
we have ZERO access (at least conveniently) to the medical of
children, or family or ourselves. Also regarding workflow (or work
modeling) this is one of the biggest reasons (seemingly) why EMR is
so challenging, they seem hellbent on bending (healthcare) staff
around the software. 
Also the workflow of hospitals with large staffs & resources is one
thing but what about your dentist, private doctor, pediatrician,
neighborhood clinic, chiropractor/PT etc. all of these healthcare
professionals have their own processes, ways of working & preferences
as it pertains to data input (not to mention how their current records
get converted). 

Again this is a major area of concern and an area where I see UX &
Interaction designers literally being able to save lives based on the
work done. Much of the EMR software pkgs that I've been researching
look straight out of the 90's (or earlier), to take a page from Mr.
Cooper's canonical work, the Inmates are truly Running the Asylum...
but luckily at least this time we know & hopefully can change work to
change it.   

Kudos to those of you fighting the good fight in this area, you're
needed. I hope to one day to join your ranks.   - Fritz

P.S. - Btw, here are two good resources on the EMR/EHR topic:

1) CBS News' & David Pogue video report on EHR/EMR (about 9min):

2) Fast Company & the good folks at frog design (who clearly see this
opportunity) just recently published a bit of good reading on the
subject here:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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