Very interesting discussion. However, I personally prefer uneven
scales, because I think that users do know what 3 on a 5-Point scale
means: not bad, but not good either. Why should I force them to
either a positive or a negative decision?

On the other hand you should offer a "don't know" option as well,
for those who just don't want or can't rate the item. We made and
still do make good experiences with those ratings and benchmarking
studies do show that respondents can easily cope with the "neutral"

And if you think about it: sometimes there is just that odd item,
that you don't consider positive nor negative. If there would be an
even scale, you would be forced into a decision that you can't make.
Whatever you answer, it is basically wrong. On a scale with many
options this might be not so bad, but on a scale of 4, this can have
a huge impact on results (mean, top-boxes, etc.). 

Some researchers are concerned that the respondents use the center of
the scale too often, because it is "easier", but from my experience
that isn't the case. Most respondents do have an opinion, and if it
is good or bad, they will tell you.

However, as a company you should know how you want to treat those
neutral responses. I personally recommend to mentally move them
towards the negative responses. Because even if the respondent
doesn't consider the item negative, the companies intention should
be to move all the responses towards the positive side of the scale
over time by actions to improve quality, etc.

@Paul: As my experience from research practice is quite opposite to
what you were writing I would like to get some more background
information about this. Do you have any scientific articles about
this? Would be interesting, because this can also depend very much on
the issues that should be rated.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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