Great topic. Success depends on "connecting the wires" between
research results and subsequent action. Our approach for connecting
the wires can be summed up in 3 points.

1) Begin with the end in mind
At the start of every research project, we identify the people who
are expected to take the results and turn them into a reality, and we
ask to meet with them so we can identify the design parameters we can
realistically impact. Ignoring them until it's time to socialize the
results is a big mistake, because at that point they may actively deep
six the results. The format of the results needs to be something they
are prepared to own and carry forward. For our projects, this often
involves conceptual wireframes with medium fidelity design

2) Provide specific, unambiguous recommendations
Findings are great, but many clients don't know what to do with
findings. They need specific recommendations, whether text or
conceptual diagrams. One client actually forwarded me an internal
thread that said, "We're concerned that the experts are going to
leave us something that is brilliant but then we don't know what to
do with it. Can they sit down with us and discuss specific design
changes?" The answer was, of course, yes. If recommendations are
brilliant but non-directional, people not intimately acquainted with
the details will question the value of the exercise.

3) Give stakeholders a vivid picture of the issues
Whenever possible, we include a small video reel that highlights the
core issues. We often conduct in-depth interviews or ethnographic
research in homes, workplaces, retail outlets, etc., so it's
relatively easy to pull together video scenes that drive home the
findings and support the recommendations. I've found that the
busiest executive sponsor or design director will pay rapt attention
to 3 minutes of video, but may get glassy eyes or start texting with
the the same volume of presentation data. The details are only for
the people who want and need them. In one presentation for a media
company, the sponsors literally clapped after the personas

Paul Bryan
Usography ( ) %u2028
Blog: Virtual Floorspace ( ) 
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