Interesting discussion you've kicked off, Dan. 

One thing you said ("Think there is lots to be said for pairing a User 
Researcher and Designer roles as they are complimentary skill sets") triggered 
some thoughts. Read on...

At one of my former companies I built a process for conducting 
cross-disciplinary, team-based contextual design research in a time-boxed, 
moderated format. 

As part of the process I made it a requirement that the research team contain a 
designer, a product stakeholder (typically a product manager), and a 
technologist. I also specified that the research team be facilitated. The team 
facilitator was intended to be someone who had deep experience in user/design 
research, team/interpersonal dynamics, and (ideally) some basic ability to 
manage projects. 

I also made it a requirement that the team members - the designer, product 
manager, and engineer - be excused from their "day jobs" for 3-4 weeks so they 
could focus exclusively on spotting opportunities in the field, working 
together to flesh out, prototype, and validate an offering to address the 
opportunity, and then building a rudimentary business case for the offering. 

I time-boxed the activity to three weeks - one for observing and spotting the 
opportunities; one week for working through the data and transforming it into 
design concepts and guidelines; and one week for building out a rough 
prototype, validating the design with more user input, documenting the 
personas, and doing a bit of due diligence on the business case (i.e., defining 
the addressable market, the competition, etc). 

We only ran a few pilots of the process at that company. The output was decent, 
but of course the leaders spiked the opportunities we identified...none of the 
leadership wanted to commit budget to building a new product line; not when 
they had numbers they had to hit that quarter. Typical story.

Looking back, I realized that I vastly underspecified the "magic place" 
activities. So I'm very grateful to the the thread contributors for their 
suggestions, particularly Dan S (whose book is on my guilt pile of unread 
books), Dana C, and the others. 

If I spin up the process at a future company, I'll have good input for the 
"magic place" activities. 

Also, I need to write this process up and present it somewhere. Right now it's 
just taking up space on my hard drive.


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Paul Sherman, Principal, ShermanUX
User Experience  Research | Design | Strategy
- - - - - - - 

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