I think we can all list programs that we are excited about, but it is
really unclear what you are looking for in a program, why the US, and
we don't even really know what type of program you are looking for.
I think saying, "IxD" is pretty vague as the philosophies of IxD
vary greatly. I.e. I would have never included d.school @ stanford as
an IxD program, but the Design Strategy MBA at CCA is most definitely
one. (Winner of the IxDA student competition is from that program). 

If I was picking a school, I'd have to include the European programs
in Scandinavia, Holland and the UK for sure. 

When picking a program I think Dan Saffer put this back in a thread a
couple of weeks ago and I'm paraphrasing:
1) Where were graduates hired?
2) Who are the alumni?
3) What corps have relationships with the school?
4) What does the school's portfolio look like?
5) Are there profs/faculty there you want to study with?

Geography, might have some value, but for graduate study is mostly a
distraction that you don't have time for anyway. ;-)

-- dave

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