I think the "Transparent" Box is a brilliant idea, sorry if I changed the name 
but what it is. Right? We can look inside and find some issues but that is not 
the point. It attends what it proposes and the quality/usability is very decent.

Congratulation Prof. Lindsay, Adam, Doug, Haze and Micha.

Great Job!

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Daniel Ames <amesd...@isu.edu>
>  To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss@lists.osgeo.org>
>  Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Whitebox GAT (Chris Puttick)
>  Sent: Mar 26 '10 11:46
>  As I said to John in a PM, I think what he's doing is extremely
>  important and will help bolster the concept of open source for the masses
>  that we've been pushing with our .NET MapWindow project.
>  Three cheers to ANYONE who is willing to bust their chops on some code and
>  put it out to the world!!!!!
>  - Dan
>  On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <[LINK:
>  mailto:tmitch...@osgeo.org] tmitch...@osgeo.org> wrote:
>  P Kishor wrote:
>  > Listen, I personally appreciate the zeal for open sourcing software
>  > and data (most of my personal religion is based on the belief that
>  > open data are better for everyone), but trash talking closed software
>  > makes the whole world blind.
>  Of course we never trash talk other open source languages either, do we?
>   Where would we be without all the good arguments for Python vs the
>  'others'... ;-)  Sorry, couldn't resist.
>  Just to say, we have done pretty good on this list avoiding platform or
>  language wars, but I am interested to learn what
>  strengths/features/ease-of-use others find in their language of choice.
>    Just to be better educated, not to flame anyone.
>  Tyler
>  _______________________________________________
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>  --
>  Daniel P. Ames, Ph.D. PE
>  Associate Professor, Geosciences
>  Idaho State University - Idaho Falls
>  [LINK: mailto:amesd...@isu.edu] amesd...@isu.edu
>  [LINK: http://geology.isu.edu] geology.isu.edu
>  [LINK: http://www.hydromap.com] www.hydromap.com
>  [LINK: http://www.mapwindow.org] www.mapwindow.org
>  *************************************************************************
>  See you at MapWindow GIS 2010!
>  Orlando, Florida, USA
>  31 March - 2 April 2010
>  [LINK: http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2010]
>  http://www.mapwindow.org/conference/2010
>  Also at:
>  AWRA GIS 2010: [LINK: http://www.awra.org/meetings/Florida2010/]
>  http://www.awra.org/meetings/Florida2010/
>  IEMSS 2010: [LINK: http://www.iemss.org/iemss2010/]
>  http://www.iemss.org/iemss2010/
>  *************************************************************************
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