What I meant to say was...  Chris P. has strategic reasons for his
choices and was inviting others to share (offline) their strategic
reasons for their choices.  I wasn't trying to keep this thread running :)


Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
> P Kishor wrote:
>> Listen, I personally appreciate the zeal for open sourcing software
>> and data (most of my personal religion is based on the belief that
>> open data are better for everyone), but trash talking closed software
>> makes the whole world blind.
> Of course we never trash talk other open source languages either, do we?
>  Where would we be without all the good arguments for Python vs the
> 'others'... ;-)  Sorry, couldn't resist.
> Just to say, we have done pretty good on this list avoiding platform or
> language wars, but I am interested to learn what
> strengths/features/ease-of-use others find in their language of choice.
>    Just to be better educated, not to flame anyone.
> Tyler
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