On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 01:14:35PM -0400, Arnie Shore wrote:
> Awww, the relative merits of the platforms/languages involved, IMO, are a
> far second behind the factor of whether or not the choice makes it available
> to the largest community of possible users.  Free is good;  de-facto
> limitations ain't.
> The author is certainly to be applauded both for developing the package and
> offering it here.  But  I for one can't jump at it.
> Ya gotta have an OS and a language, so any choice here will prbly hack off
> some of the truly devout.  But you don't gotta have a framework -
> proprietary or not.  


Are there any graphical GIS programs that don't use *some* framework?

qgis uses, I believe, qt.
uDig, I believe, uses Swing.

Heck, even RESTClient uses wx (via Python).

In web applications, the situation is even more pronounced -- Django, 
TurboGears, etc. For UI work, jquery/ext/mootools, etc.

Using a framework as part of your development encourages you to write the 
hard parts... rather than doing the easy parts that people have done before
all over again.

Now, you may not like the particular one that was chosen here, but that's
hardly the same as saying "You should enver develop with a framework."

-- Chris

> The choice of .NET rules out for me any interest other
> than curiosity.  And to point out that MONO resolves the .NET issue, simply
> translates to 'you gotta have that in addition to the basic product', adding
> to the relative complexity and fragility of an implementation.
> So, thanks, but no thanks.
> AS

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