I think "Switch2osm" is a very good example how to help migrating to
non-proprietary tools: https://switch2osm.org/
I quickly went through their site and as far as I could see, competitor
names only appear in case studies.
Maybe we could have "switch2foss" in a similar way.

It's a very good idea to help new users to find open alternatives to the
proprietary software they're using right now.
I agree with many here, that this doesn't require to provide links to them.

Best regards,

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden (OSGeo.nl) <
gert-...@osgeo.nl> wrote:

> As a regular user of proprietary GIS software (ArcGIS, FME, Oracle Spatial
> etcetera) I can assure that it is very valuable to have some sort of
> guidance in the diversity of the FOSS landscape.
> I agree that "similar proprietary products" isn't the right label.
> However, instead of the proposed "migratte from" (which sound like a
> complete migration plan) I'd suggest the label "comparable proprietary
> software".
> Kind regards,
> Gert-Jan
> María Arias de Reyna schreef op 21-09-2017 8:30:
> On 20 September 2017 at 02:41, Helmut Kudrnovsky <hel...@web.de> wrote:
>>>>> Dear OSGeo community
>>>>> I want to bring you a discussion on a github ticket about linking to
>>>>> "similar proprietary products" [1] to your attention.
>>>>> My comment there:
>>>>> "I support and concur with Venka that the item "Similar Proprietary
>>>>> Products" should be removed. There isn't only one proprietary GIS
>>>>> software
>>>>> out there, there are several others. IMHO such comparisons may be part
>>>>> of
>>>>> e.g. a reviewed scientific paper/elaboration, where our OSGeo projects
>>>>> - if
>>>>> they want to - may link to. I see no added value for OSGeo to serve
>>>>> such
>>>>> links. As already elsewhere mentioned by me, reciprocity is the key if
>>>>> such
>>>>> items are listed, but I can't see this happen. "
>>>>> I'm pretty much convinced that more effort to help our OSGeo projects
>>>>> improving on every level (e.g. documentation, reach out, testing, etc)
>>>>> is
>>>>> the key rather than linking to proprietary software. One of such
>>>>> opportunities may be the upcoming Google Code In (GCI) 2017 e.g. to
>>>>> produce
>>>>> nice screenshots for documentation, produce some fancy videos etc.
>>>>> based on
>>>>> tiny little tasks for students aged 13 to 17. A good invest in the
>>>>> young who
>>>>> will be our OSGeo's future.
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Helmut
>>>>> OSGeo charter member
>>>>> [1] https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/issues/100
>>>>> [2] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2017-September/
>>>>> 036217.html
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>> Hi,
>> On my opinion, it makes sense to show relation between propietary and
>> free and open software. Just because we want to people to migrate to
>> free and open source software, so it is good if they can search for
>> the software they are currently using to know what software will they
>> use. It makes sense, it makes life easier on migrations.
>> Said this, I prefer the "Migrate from" label much better. And sure, no
>> link to the product, just the name. Why would we need a link? If they
>> don't know what that software is, the information is useless to them.
>> If they already know what that software is, the information is
>> redundant. So having a name is fine, having a link is nonsense.
>> Is "Migrate from" label aggresive? Not at all. We are OsGeo, we are
>> promoting FLOSS. Promoting FLOSS means we are encouraging people to
>> move from propietary to open. That is our philosophy, that is our
>> motto. If propietary software feels bad because we follow our goals...
>> well, then maybe they should stop promoting their own software too
>> because that makes me feel bad.
>> Regards,
>> María.
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