I just got off the phone with a client that is interested in migrating to open source tools. They problem is they don't know where to start. They know what proprietary tools they are using, they know what features they are using, they know about OSGeo, but rapidly get lost in all the projects and what they do and how they might be used to replace what they have.

They need :
* a simple mapping from proprietary to FOSS tools, so they can start learn more about which tools to investigate. * simple recipes and direction to get them started, ie: lower the cost of entrance. * list of resources, like mailing lists, where to download, what tutorials and/books are available or experts in the various tools they are interested.

We need to make this easy for people that are not familiar with FOSS to easily find their way into our community. They want to educate themselves a little before engaging the community.

I often act as a compass and help guide them to get started, but I only know part of the pie.

So migration guides would be good. Some form of mapping products to projects would be very useful.

I like the format of Choose Open Source and I think it covers a lot of these needs.


On 9/21/2017 3:00 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
Thanks that is a great example - this is the roll I hope that http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/choose-a-project/ <http://osgeo.getinteractive.nl/choose-a-project/> will play (now that is actually working correctly).

I am happy to try an experiment and see if this is sufficient, I just do not want to lose track of the vision that we are helping non-community members connect with open source.

I am sorry this discussion started over links, which look to of been added to the beta website by mistake. I do not mind naming competitor products, in case studies, migration guides, or "even" on project pages. In the case of project pages it is up to each project steering committee what they want to do.

Jody Garnett

On 21 September 2017 at 08:45, Daniel Kastl <dan...@georepublic.de <mailto:dan...@georepublic.de>> wrote:

    I think "Switch2osm" is a very good example how to help migrating to
    non-proprietary tools: https://switch2osm.org/
    I quickly went through their site and as far as I could see,
    competitor names only appear in case studies.
    Maybe we could have "switch2foss" in a similar way.

    It's a very good idea to help new users to find open alternatives to
    the proprietary software they're using right now.
    I agree with many here, that this doesn't require to provide links
    to them.

    Best regards,

    On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Gert-Jan van der Weijden (OSGeo.nl)
    <gert-...@osgeo.nl <mailto:gert-...@osgeo.nl>> wrote:

        As a regular user of proprietary GIS software (ArcGIS, FME,
        Oracle Spatial etcetera) I can assure that it is very valuable
        to have some sort of guidance in the diversity of the FOSS

        I agree that "similar proprietary products" isn't the right
        label. However, instead of the proposed "migratte from" (which
        sound like a complete migration plan) I'd suggest the label
        "comparable proprietary software".

        Kind regards,


        María Arias de Reyna schreef op 21-09-2017 8:30:

                    On 20 September 2017 at 02:41, Helmut Kudrnovsky
                    <hel...@web.de <mailto:hel...@web.de>> wrote:

                        Dear OSGeo community

                        I want to bring you a discussion on a github
                        ticket about linking to
                        "similar proprietary products" [1] to your

                        My comment there:

                        "I support and concur with Venka that the item
                        "Similar Proprietary
                        Products" should be removed. There isn't only
                        one proprietary GIS software
                        out there, there are several others. IMHO such
                        comparisons may be part of
                        e.g. a reviewed scientific paper/elaboration,
                        where our OSGeo projects - if
                        they want to - may link to. I see no added value
                        for OSGeo to serve such
                        links. As already elsewhere mentioned by me,
                        reciprocity is the key if such
                        items are listed, but I can't see this happen. "

                        I'm pretty much convinced that more effort to
                        help our OSGeo projects
                        improving on every level (e.g. documentation,
                        reach out, testing, etc) is
                        the key rather than linking to proprietary
                        software. One of such
                        opportunities may be the upcoming Google Code In
                        (GCI) 2017 e.g. to produce
                        nice screenshots for documentation, produce some
                        fancy videos etc. based on
                        tiny little tasks for students aged 13 to 17. A
                        good invest in the young who
                        will be our OSGeo's future.

                        Kind regards
                        OSGeo charter member

                        [1] https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/issues/100
                        Discuss mailing list


            On my opinion, it makes sense to show relation between
            propietary and
            free and open software. Just because we want to people to
            migrate to
            free and open source software, so it is good if they can
            search for
            the software they are currently using to know what software
            will they
            use. It makes sense, it makes life easier on migrations.

            Said this, I prefer the "Migrate from" label much better.
            And sure, no
            link to the product, just the name. Why would we need a
            link? If they
            don't know what that software is, the information is useless
            to them.
            If they already know what that software is, the information is
            redundant. So having a name is fine, having a link is nonsense.

            Is "Migrate from" label aggresive? Not at all. We are OsGeo,
            we are
            promoting FLOSS. Promoting FLOSS means we are encouraging
            people to
            move from propietary to open. That is our philosophy, that
            is our
            motto. If propietary software feels bad because we follow
            our goals...
            well, then maybe they should stop promoting their own
            software too
            because that makes me feel bad.

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