Hi all

I went to the last FOSS4G Asia in Hyderabad, India, within IIIT university
There I met wonderful students.
I was actually impressed with a particular female student, very bright, and
with lots of ideas to tell.

I invited her to eat out.
She could not go out of the university, because her father had forbidden
her to go out of the University premises.
I asked, where is your father?
She told me he lived about 300km to the north, and that when she needed to
go out, he would drive to take her to where she needed to go.

Culture: not obey the (family/religion/legal) rules is not an option.
She follows the rules, she is obedient.

What do you expect for woman who live that kind of culture, that we don't
understand, not even a 1%?
If woman like her, get invited to be a keynote speaker, what is the
probability for her to go?

Can you fight a culture that is completely different to occidental cultures?
Can you fight that culture, sitting in front of your computer, in England,
USA, Mexico?

What would you tell her if you had that conversation?
In my particular case, I told her:
I am sure my father has the same concerns as your father, that is why he
came with me.

And we ate in the University.

I invited my father, I paid his airplane ticket, hotel, food, souvenir, etc.
The reason that I invited him is: I wanted to fit in the culture as much as
When passing through customs, he was called, and he had to do the talking.
When going shopping or eating, the cashier first interaction was directed
to him.

I can't fight a culture, I have to blend in.

But I am glad that, this student's father is letting her study.
And maybe, in the future, she will have daughters that will go to the
University and they will be able to go out of the University premises to
And she will have grand-daughters that will can go out of the country
(without a chaperon) and be speakers.


On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 6:19 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>

> On 12/08/18 21:14, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
>> No, this is not a dismissal based on opinions. It is based on facts.
>> This paper falls into the "correlation does not imply causation"
>> fallacy:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_i
>> mply_causation
> Yes, but lack of correlation refutes causation. That is their point:
> gender equality does *not* cause equality of STEM gender outcomes.
> Science requires humility. There is no greater experience in science than
> refuting your own hypothesis because it means that you might have
> discovered something non-obvious. The obvious hypothesis in this study was
> that equality of STEM gender outcomes would improve with gender equality.
> Their surprising discovery is the opposite. While there is much conjecture
> as to the cause, the core finding is remarkable, good science, and worthy
> of publication (in my uninformed opinion as a layman).
> Kind regards,
> --
> Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
> Director
> Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
> New Zealand
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