Interesting discussion. BTW, what is this KRUD (wink and nod to our friends at about FEDORA being a commercial distribution? It is not.

The topic is a request to have OGG in firmware. I remember when MP3 was dropped from the distro. While I didn't switch my entire library like one poster did, the change caused me to investigate OGG and I found that I liked it. All my new stuff is in the OGG format. I even went out and got an IRIVER jukebox specifically because it supported OGG. I think it is silly my PC needs to transcode all my OGG stuff just to play on my squeezebox. There is no way ANYONE can tell me that is more efficient then just running in firmware.

And this stuff about endless bandwidth and disk space. Hey, OGG works fine for me and I'm not interested in taking up more disk space for music. And I agree with that other poster that I would not have FLAC for the squeezebox and then OGG for my IRIVER. I don't want to screw with having to figure out hey, I want to play this song on my Iriver so I need to have another copy in OGG for it and the FLAC copy for my squeezebox. PLEASE, how LAME (pun intended) is that.

So SLIMDEVICES when are you going to support OGG in firmware? I want it and I want it NOW (or at least in the near future, please.)

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