Hi there,

I'm running Slimserver 5.4.1 for Windows. Upgrading to the latest version 6
screwed my system so I'm back with the old one. I am using Itunes to keep my
music organized
and therefore would like to run  the Itunes plugin as well which updates my
ratings etc.

Everything is working fine except that I have not found a clever way of
starting slimserver.
I used to run it as a service but I want to use the direct update
functionality of the Itunes
plugin - for that it must not run as a service.

When I simply put SlimServer.exe in my startup folder it works except that
it takes a long
time for Slimserver to start, takes a lot of memory and I cannot get it to
start minimized.

I've tried playing around with running just Slim.exe but that does not work
either. There
must be a way to run SlimServer "silently" in the background without hogging
lots of memory
and not using a service...

Any help would be very much apprechiated.


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