My AlienBBC installation has become a right mess. I have 2.0.1b
installed and have updated with at least one (if not two) of the
supplied iPlayer menu zips.

I had added various stations to favourites, my radio stations and other
places you can add the stuff to in the nebulous SlimServer UI. Currently
most of these links don't work. I've almost given up doing anything
apart from listening to Radio4 live and even that, and the World
Service in the small hours, now suffer from constant dropouts, so much
so that it's becoming unlistenable and we resort more and more to the
digital radio. Tonight it was particularly bad throughout the Archers
and the comedy show and the news before that.

I just have no idea what to do to get it all working properly again. I
have customised AlienBBC such that it announces itself as BBC radio and
has custom graphics and am reluctant to just delete the plugin and
re-install it and then add the latest iPlayer zip file (it's a bit of
work because I can't now remember how I made the customising

This situation is what really prompted my initial post. I am tired. I
just want it to work. The BBC should get their act together and provide
something reliable for players like the SlimDefices offerings. I am
beginning to really lose my patience with the BBC and am in danger of
becoming one of those pillocks who rant about the license fee being a
tax and how vastly improved it would be if Rupert Murdoch ran the whole

And I'd still like to see Logitech make BBC radio a core radio function
of Squeezecenter.



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