Howard Passman;340882 Wrote: 
> <snip>
> My son, who is scary smart and probably wouldn't have an issue,
> thinks the thing is way too much trouble when he can liten to his iPod,
> which I just found out has Pandora, or his computer.  Believe me, I've
> tried to get him hooked, but to no avail.  I even try to get his
> buddies interested when they come over.  No go.  And the girls...we
> won't even talk about the looks I get.
> Anyway, since I really don't 'love' computers we probably run in
> different circles, but I know a lot of bright people in the
> communications business, etc. and they still are amazed when a reboot
> fixes their problems.  It's like, "Ooooo, fire".  
> <snip>
> Howard

I think it's interesting to see folks' reaction to the SB.  Your
experience with your son is interesting.  A lot of people just don't
"get it" regarding the squeezebox.  I've had a go at trying to get my
brother (who is a music lover too) to get a squeezebox.  He has an iPod
and XM radio and is content to continue to use them.  He has at least
moved beyond using CDs - the iPod is still a new and cool thing to him.
Now that an SB3 can be had for a very reasonable price of $230, I
thought I could nudge him. Not yet.  Instead he is investing in a
larger iPod.  To each his own.  His priority at this point is mobility,
not music access throughout the house.

Other people that come over to visit don't understand the setup and
their eyes just glaze over when I try to explain it to them.  I can
sense them thinking "It's just music man, what's the big deal". 

The way I see it is that the SB devices appeal to folks with at least
one of the following characteristics:
- music fanatics
- gadget freaks
- computer/network nerds

I've witness in these forums people that were music fanatics but seemed
to be unimpressed by gadgets and were certainly casual PC users.  They
persevered (sp?) and got things going.

The SB does not appeal to:
- casual music listerners
- technophobes
- casual PC users

My brother is a borderline music fanatic and is not a gadget freak or
computer nerd.  He will require some more work to bring him on board. 
My wife says you'd think I worked for Logitech :-).

BTW Howard, your signature becomes more inaccurate the by the day :-). 
You have become quite an active participant in these forums.


Setup: 2 SB3s, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 10.2 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.2, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave
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