verbatone wrote:
> I agree, I used the FF/REW for the first time and was elated.
> Philip, the old system was never consistent.  Every once in a while it
> would work, but generally I would hold FF, it would go to 2x, then hold
> FF again, it would go to 4x, then I'd push play, and it would restart
> the song, or even worse, it would start playing as if it never engaged
> the transport.  I got so sick of trying to use it, I just stopped
> using.  I probably haven't used it in over a year.  It certainly wasn't
> as reliable as a DVD player with the same functionality.  The new
> version has been used at least 10 time so far with only positive
> results.
I never used FF/RW at all in the previous incarnation, just too confusing.
I love the current way of doing it on the controller.

I remember Phil was the only(?) but very vocal supporter of the old way 
in the original thread in which the new way was born.

Thanks, SD, can't please everyone, although I wouldn't have minded if 
one could optionally switch to the old way.


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