autopilot;344903 Wrote: 
> Personally, i just use high quality VBR LAME MP3's created from my FLAC
> library with DBpowerAMP. BTW, rockbox Version 3 is now out but still no
> support for the new iPods or the last generation, so there is no way of
> playing FLAC's.
> Lossless is wasted on an iPod; the very average DAC, not-so-great
> headphone AMP, compressed circuitry and lack of a proper line-out means
> the difference between high bitrate MP3/AAC and lossless is almost
> entirely negated. As thats not even talking into account the inherent
> issues with in car noise etc. Add the fact you can carry much more
> music and using ALAC just seems a bit silly to me.
> Also, if we are talking about the iPod Classic (which i assume we are
> as it would be pretty pointless on the limited storage of the
> nano/touch), lossless files will drain the battery faster and reduce
> the iPod's life span due to increased HDD access - but thats not so
> much of an issue in a car with a power supply always handy.

Thank you that is a very interesting point - I don't want to spend more
money only to not notice a difference

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