MrSinatra;358082 Wrote: 
> that just isn't true.
> as i said earlier, iraq broke the terms of the 91 armistice, that gave
> us the right to take military action, and there is no question the gulf
> war was legal.  and we also had resolution 1441 this time.
> i'm not sure what part of the UN charter you are citing that refutes
> what i just said.
> the idea that the UN decides what is and isn't illegal is a joke
> anyway.  the UN is made up of dictators and despots, is a surreal
> place, and other than humanitarian efforts is totally ineffectual, (oil
> for food scandal, UN peacekeepers raping children epidemic).  i have
> very little regard for it.
> the USA is the bulwark of freedom in the world, and gets very little
> credit for it.  we beat fascism, we beat communism, and we will beat
> terrorism, and we do it while all the "liberal" nations of the world
> bemoan us, and don't carry their fair share either diplomatically,
> militarily or finanacially.
> frankly, i'm tired of the rest of the world getting a free ride off our
> backs, and showing such little gratitude.
> i refuse to sit here worried about removing a brutal dictator like
> saddam, while very same people who complain about that, want us to
> invade darfur.

Yup.  And the reason the UN had 17 resolutions against Iraq is because
Iraq violated the first 16.  We know he had WMD's cuz we (the US) and
France and Germany and Russia (and god knows who else) sold them to
Iraq.  The question is:  what happened to these WMD's.  I'm sure there
are other political reasons we are there now, just saying.

Absolutely correct about the UN, it's a joke.  The corruption, abuses 
and "do nothing attitude" until it's far too late is sickening. 
Usually the UN takes no real action to protect those it claims to
benefit.  The states that the UN is shaking it's finger at KNOWS the UN
won't really back it up with anything, so these rogue states just ignore
the UN's threats.  But when they DO take action, where do they turn? 
The UN is nothing but a tea party without the US to backup it's
decisions, the few times the UN has the balls to ask us to do so.

The world wants to sleep under our blanket and expects us to babysit
the entire planet.  But then they do nothing but complain how we go
about this and point out every mistep.  Politically and militarily
we've MORE than made our share of mistakes, but on par we've done far
more good than bad.  Don't like how we go about it?  Go fix it
yourselves, with your blood and money, show us how it's done.    :)

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