Well first off its great to have a conversation with real people, rather
than the nonsense the press on both sides of the pond pumps out. 10
pages in and people, although obviously disagreeing have having
differing points of view, have put their points across in a non
personal and intelligent way.

However, i feel been called "racist" is very unfair. MrSinatra - i do
agree with a lot of what you are saying, but you are clearly very
patriotic and see things though rose tinted glasses. You have the same
one sided naive views that have caused this to become such a disaster
and you have obviously completely fallen for the propaganda out
government have bombarded us with. 

First off, you say i am racist for saying "Arabs are incapable of
democracy", which i did not even say. I said that it won't be delivered
via a badly conceived military campaign. No matter what the Iraqi
citizens say when they are wheeled in front of the camera's from the US
public, most don't care about democracy, especially if it means some
much pain and death. They dont even know what it is, they just want
clean water, heath care, food on their tables and their children to
stop dying from stray missiles from the political vacuum the invasion
caused. All of these things they had before the invasion. And thats not
even accounting for the religious element - the type of Islamic
tradition is unfortunately very un-democratic - you would have get some
of the most deeply religious people to radically change their religious
views too.

And all thats before the PR disaster after PR disaster. For example,
the troops raced to protect the Oil wells and put much effort into
this. However, they made no attempt to protect the hospitals being
attacked and robbed. Not just hospitals, but the Baghdad museum was
looted and virtually destroyed - with many of the worlds most precious
and ancient artefacts were lost forever. Yet the occupying forces did
nothing. How does this looks to the average Iraqi? It was clear as day
that the Oil was the number 1 priority. You say acknowledging this
fact, and countless others, is "obnoxious and vapid". That trust they
way it is, our governments have proved this time after time. Reason
1,001 why they want us out yesterday and dont care about democracy

Then Bush goes as says he invaded Iraq because he was told to by God.
Apart from the fact this is clearly a desperate attempt to gain support
from the regions far right in the US and UK, it effectively told
everyone he had religious motivations. That was a bad thing to say even
by Bush's standards -

You say the world is ungrateful for the US's actions. This is simply
not true and used as an excuse. Yes, rightly or wrongly, the US has
been viewed as arrogant and self serving by some people, but the vast
majority of the world has always been very good friends with the US.
It's not until the Iraq war (not the previous one where Iraq invaded
another country) where even people with the most historically
supportive of the US have said this is all wrong this time. Whether
this is illegal or not, i strongly believe we have fallen very far from
the moral high ground.

I completely agree about the UN, complete waste of time. i also agree
that if any nation does not want to listen and comply they should
probably leave.

Will it be a failure in the end? Well what exactly where the goals
then? Who can say, the objectives have changed so much. Anything is
possible when you keep moving the goal posts. but will Iraq become a
lasting and stable democracy? not in our wildest dreams.

I felt i had to respond to those very personal and extensively
offensive accusations. Lets keep this civil and grown up please.


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