Being a long time JRiver MediaCenter (and previously their MediaJukebox)
user I can see where 'Datdude' is coming from.  Please read this with
the knowledge that I totally support Slim Devices and the SB - I could
do without JRMC if I had to but would hate to lose my SB.

Until last Christmas I too used to have a portable in the lounge cabled
to my (Lo) Hi-Fi and playing files stored on my server located in my
study.  However, on upgrading to a much better Hi-Fi system found I
could not play music without interference from the computer.  Luckily
for me a bit of 'Googling' led me to the Squeezebox and by New Years
Eve I was a happy bunny.  Like bunnies these SB like to multiply and I
now have 3!

I would also love to be able to just use JRMC to choose the music to
play and have it sent to the SB without involving SlimServer.  Whilst I
am happy with SlimServer, for my simple music playing habits, it does
not have the facilities Of JRMC for music selection, organisation,
playlist creation, etc.

Generally I use the RC to choose albums to play but when you want to
'Pick n Mix' tracks to play or create playlist with this can be a bit
tedious so I tend to go back to the UI.  In this case I think JRMC wins
over SlimServer.  Of course you have to pay for JRMC and, I assume, one
can program more facilities into a Windows applications than are
available through a web browser type of interface, especially if you
are paid for it!

One of the main benefits of JMRC is that it is a 'one stop shop' and
can deal with ripping (it's 'secure mode' is an equal to EAC) and
getting tag info.  It also allows saving the ripped files to many
formats, including FLAC, which I use.  It is simple to convert files to
other format including on the fly conversions and tranfers to many
portable devices.  It has excellent playlist creation features which I
use to create them 
and then export to SlimServer.

When I got my first SB I thought I would not need JRMC anymore but I
still have to rip/tag/organise/create playlist before I get the
pleasure of listening via the SB so would need some version of these
type of tools in any case.

JRMC does act as a UPnP server and it would be ideal if the SB could be
linked to this.  In the meantime I'm still a happy bunny!  Long may Slim
Devices and the SB prosper.

Just my take.


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