Husted;363866 Wrote: 
> 3) Restarting iPeng and it seemed to work, switching to Album view and
> the album arts starts to download. But the artwork is in odd sizes and
> is overlapped each other. iPeng froze and I had to a hard reset. 
Are you using .bmp album art? That seems to be not fully supported by
SC and probably also not by iPhone.
> 4) Couldn't restart iPeng again, it would not find my server no matter
> what I did. Removed and reinstalled iPeng to get it somewhat working
> again.
How much time did you give it to find your server? Please try at least
one minute and seven seconds :-)
> 5) iPeng just caused my iPhone to restart, it was not just quitting to
> Springboard but crashed Springboard so I had to enter my passcode
> again.
Which firmware version do you use? Any jailbreaks?
I have NEVER seen THAT nor had any reports about it. Also it should not
be possible with iPhoneOS for an app.
> I have 1200 album and 15k songs running on a Mac Mini. 

That should be fully OK.


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