panos_k75;363910 Wrote: 
> How do you mean?

I mean that I think I use the currect query, as it is in the
documentation, but if I DON'T specify an artist, I get an error message
from the server.
I belive that's a server bug.

Itlan;363912 Wrote: 
> Now that I have played with surfgin across all the genres and I think
> everything is cahced it appears to be working great.

OOOOK. Here's what happens:
iPeng caches the Genres, albums, artists and playlists master lists
only. The detailed queries are NOT pre-cached.
That would take ages and - as you will probably see sooner or later
with Squidgy - you cannot just dump the data to the iPhone since SC
doesn't return all it's information. For example, you can have more
than one artist for an album and typically you only request the one to
display. You COULD query all, but that would take time. Lots of it.
HOWEVER. iPhone itself caches it's html requests as well (at least the
ones iPeng uses) so after you have done a query once the next time it
will be faster.
I don't do a lot of Genre searching but I do understand that it's a
problem since the server response is slow (that's what gets reported to
me) and hopefully this will be fixed in New Schema.
The Controller will have the same issue, btw, since it doesn't cache
anything (but artwork).
> Is there/could there be an option to say dont scan/display artwork so
> it increases the scan time in large collections but still displays the
> artwork for whats playing? Is that where the major hit comes from?
> Artwork cacheing?
> I dont care so much for seeing a tiny jpg of the album art but do like
> seeing it while the trck is playing?
Artwork scanning is NOT the reason for any lagging. Artwork scanning
really happens in the background and doesn't affect performance.
Actually, if you've got a large database, most artwork will only be
loaded when you actually use it. It will be cached on the disc (flash)
in the iPhone, though.

The lagging is due to SORTING of the database. I'm currently trying to
move that to a different thread to improve performance with large

Lesu;363921 Wrote: 
Originally Posted by Lesu View Post
I have been finding exactly the same thing. I choose a Genre, say
Blues, the Blues list is displayed with 'All Albums' at the top of the
list. Select 'All Albums' ( > is the symbol displayed at the top right)
and it always comes back with the message 'Cannot connect to
server....Please enable internet connection'

>From Pippin:
Actually, to me that looks like a bug in the server....

Well if it is, iPeng 5.3 seems to get round it. The same operation in
iPeng 5.3 works perfectly every time.

Yes. iPeng 0.5.3 does not use the same interface as the iPeng
application. the iPeng application uses the same interface as the
controller. The iPeng skin gets HTML pages from the server through a
server side scripting module.

garym;363892 Wrote: 
In ipeng, when I select an artist and it shows me all the albums, with
small artwork, I noticed I also get in this listing an album that does
not contain this artist (but the artist IS in the composer field as the
"composer" of the song. This seems like an odd result.  This is a FLAC
file.  p.s. In SC, a listing of the albums under artist does NOT pull
in the album with the artist noted as a song composer.

Puh, I believe there are some server settings to control this, but I have
never playes around with these.


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