ScAndal;379104 Wrote: 
> I couldn't agree more!  I think the sync (multi-zone) ui of
> squeezecenter really needs to be revamped.  Please take a look at the
> Sonos interface or other multi-zone interfaces for good examples.

There's a fundamental difference between RF-based interfaces like the
and Sonos "controller" units and interfaces based on physical buttons
and IR remotes. With a "nearby" UI like the Boom knob or Classic UI,
the "pull" sync model is more apt. It makes more sense to change what's
playing on the nearby player than foist changes on a distant player.
With "roaming" interfaces like the Controller, "push" makes more sense
-- with RF-based UIs, the focus is the playlist, not the player. 

SqueezeCenter 7-7.2 got one thing right: each UI offered the most
appropriate sync model for that UI. But it used the same simple word,
"sync", which made it confusing for those of us with both Controllers
and Boom/Classic/Transporter units.

7.3 fixes the linguistic confusion, but the cost is awkwardness in the
roaming interfaces, esp. the Controller, as switching between
controlled players is still a little sluggish.

Sonos has it easy, they only have roaming/RF. SqueezeCenter needs to
address RF/web and IR/buttons. None of the 7.x releases have done that
as well as anyone, including Logitech/Slim Devices, would like.

free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime KidsPlay
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock
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