funkstar;379064 Wrote: 
> However the developers have recognised it as a failing of the system as
> it stands and it will be addressed in the next revision.
Is there a plan on how it will be changed ?

I'm starting to think that we might want to configure zones where you
can have overlapping zones. 

For example:
- Livingroom zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
- Bedroom zone
--- SB Boom in bedroom
- Kitchen zone
--- SB Boom in kitchen
- Whole house zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
--- SB Boom in kitchen
--- SB Boom in bedroom
- Daily zone
--- SB Classic in Livingroom
--- SB Boom in kitchen

When when we want to be able to control a zone instead of a single
The default installation should of course have a zone per player
automatically configured by default so the user only have to configure
any multi player zones.

So instead of choosing player I would be able to choose a zone and
select what to play in that zone. When I play something in the "Daily
zone" it will make sure that "SB Classic in Livingroom" and "SB Boom in
kitchen" in the same sync group and remove any other players from that
syncgroup and start playing. 

The IR controll and Boom interface would control the zone which the
player currently is controlled by. If it's not controlled by any multi
player zone it would control the local player.

I'm not sure how big change this will be since there aren't any zone
concept in SqueezeCenter today. It may be something to try out as a
plugin first before we change it as standard.

A solution like this will add a small complexity when setting up the
zones but it will IMHO make it a lot easier when you want to select
what you want to play where.

Do you think this would work ? 
Would it be better than a solution that controlled single players ?


Erland Isaksson
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