Sound quality from analog outputs: Squeezebox is better 
Sound quality from digital outputs: I can't tell the difference
Ease of set-up and use: Apple wins: most people already know iTunes
Flexibility: Squeeze wins, highly tunable in so many ways
Supported file formats: Squeeze does more, except in the case of DRM'ed
Serves multiple concurrent users: Only with Squeezecenter
Cost: Airport express is only $99 per node, and is functionally similar
to a SB Receiver at $150 ($135 right now in the sale). A two node
solution need only cost $99 x 2 plus $239 for an 8GB iPod Touch(tm).

I think there is still strong value in the SlimDevices product line,
particularly if analog sound quality is a key driver for you.
Furhermore, there is a whole line of products to fit different usage
models from the Boom at one end to the Transporter at the other.


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