EyeRonik1;388654 Wrote: 
> Apple claims that syncing music between a Mac and the remotes works. It
> doesn't with Squeezecenter - you can sync two Squeezeboxen together but
> you can't sync playback to a computer. I don't know that the Apple
> solution works well, but they do claim it does.

You can sync music between Squeezeboxes and clients running on
computers.  I am playing the same stream right now on my Duet, the Duet
remote controller, SqueezePlay running on WinXP, and SqueezePlay running
on my MacBook Pro.  The syncing has gotten noticeably better now with
SqueezePlay vs. SoftSqueeze.  With SoftSqueeze, the players tended to
'creep apart' by several hundred milliseconds no matter what buffer
settings and correction windows I tried.  With SqueezePlay it's light
years better.  The Controller playback and sync is still Beta, but
works well enough for me for what I use it for.

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