I've spent a bit of time trying to compile this on OSX Leopard and I
finally had some success, so I thought I'd outline the steps I took if
anybody else would like to give it a try.

Most of my issues seemed to stem from the fact that my dependencies
were installed using MacPorts which puts headers/libs in /opt.

1. Install dependencies using MacPorts: flac, libvorbis, libmad

2. Tweak makefile.osx so it knows where to find everything it needs:


3. Patch the bundled portaudio lib to change one of the typedefs as it
conflicts with a typedef in one of the system libraries:

  cd lib/portaudio && perl -pi -e 's,uint32,pa_uint32,g' */*.c */*.h

You should now be good to go!

  $ make -f makefile.osx
  $ cp bin/squeezeslave /(opt|usr)/local/bin

Luke Redpath
Luke Redpath's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=859
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