Okay, the progress bar status is a know issue with squeezeslave and
since pause seems to be working correctly in 0.8-26, despite the
progress bar, I'll consider the issue a TODO item.  It's not an issue
with Squeezecenter.  

The portaudio libary doesn't return the correct stream position status
after using pause.  I applied a patch to the portaudio library for this
issue but it didn't solve it.  If you start squeezeslave with
-dslimaudio_output_debug and press pause and release it you'll see the
stream position values are not correctly reported, they reset to zero,
which is why the progress bar starts again.

For me, it's about the music, not the eyecandy. I still use the classic
web interface, so I don't even see a progress bar.  The default skin is
way too busy and slow for my liking, even though both my SC machine and
desktop are 2.8GHz P4s w/2GB memory running linux.

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