Quoting Millwood (millwood.3p29mz1237072...@no-mx.forums.slimdevices.com):

> agillis;406493 Wrote: 
> > You should not run two access points with the same ID. Get one access
> > point and a wifi extender. Vista should be stable although sometimes
> > the multitasking abilities leave something to be desired. I would
> > recommend VortexBox it's simple and uses very low resources.
> Nonsense.  Any large office runs multiple access points with the same
> SSID.  That's what roaming is about.  I have run two in my house for
> years.  I run the two on different channels, but you can experiment
> with that as well - one channel will work. 

Agreed, this is an non-issue.

> As for your question - IMHO, linux is much more reliable than windows. 
> I run Debian etch (waiting for the bugs to shake out before going to
> lenny) and it would run forever if I didn't reboot once a month to fsck
> the file systems.  It will reliably restart itself is a power failure
> takes it down.  Only problem is the learning curve to get is set up
> correctly.

I've exclusively run slimcenter/SqueezeCenter under linux OSs for
years, it is bulletproof. I use fedora, but it probably doens't
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