My NAS is a ReadyNAS PRO; it has Wake On LAN capability.

I first assumed that all I'd have to do to turn on the PRO remotely was
to turn on any SB.

But a SB doesn't appear to do this. On first power-up the SB makes its
network connection and then tries to connect to SC, but because the PRO
is off it makes no connection. However, if you wait until the SB has
failed to make the connection to a 'dead' PRO and then press the On/Off
button on the remote controller, the SB display says 'Wake up
SqueezeCenter' (or something like this - definitely with the word Wake
in the line) and the PRO starts up.

That's a perfectly acceptable way of operating - it means that if you
have a SB integrated into a hi-fi system where there are other sound
sources, the PRO doesn't start every time you turn the hi-fi on, but can
be arranged to turn on when you want it.

But is this feature mentioned an any manual anywhere, and have I
understood everything about this 'feature'?

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