maggior;438579 Wrote: 
> Personally, I think that the area that could use some work is the
> ripping software.  I'm not a big fan of (and I'm sure a lot of others
> here aren't either) things "automagically" happening in the background
> when ripping CDs, especially when it comes to tagging.  When I rip
> discs, 9 times out of 10 I have to tweak something - genre, song titles,
> etc.
> Here's is something worth striving for IMHO from the dbpoweramp guys:
> Now that I look at it closer, it doesn't give you the opportunity for
> tag editing prior to rip either.  But given their setup, it doesn't look
> like it would to hard to add.
> They are also not solely relying on freedb, which is pretty awful in my
> experience.  The data retrieved by AMG using dbpoweramp is awesome in my
> experience.  Yes, it's not free, but to me it was well worth $10 or
> whatever it cost for 1 full year of access.
> If the functionality that they've provided via the WHS addin could be
> done with a web page on Vortext, that would be really friggin' cool!
> Now that you've got the nuts and bolts going in the low level stuff, it
> might be good to start spiffying up the presentation.  Maybe people
> would even be willing to pay for some of the extra funtionality.  I
> eventualy got there between EAC and dbpoweramp.
> All IMHO of course.

I just had a quick look at the link above, a web interface to ripping
config would be excellent of course but I imagine would require a lot of

I read this part also with interest

"Upon inserting the CD, RipNAS fetches metadata from the Internet
(using PerfectMeta: from AMG, GD3, Musicbrainz & freedb), if the disc is
not present in any of the 4 online databases (very rare), the disc will
be ejected after about 20 seconds. If the same disc is re-inserted it
will be ripped to 'Unknown Artist x' and Track 1, Track 2, etc."

I think this would be a great feature to add to the ripping process, as
it stands the cd will get ripped even if 'Unknown Artist' so currently I
either use a tag editor to update the FLAC/mp3 files or delete them and
re-rip manually with dbpoweramp, with the above functionality it gives
the user the option on whether to proceed with the rip or do it

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