Phil Leigh;473012 Wrote: 
> What a ridiculous piece of "legislation"... to which I am fortunately
> immune ... :-)

We've had something similar in the EU (not quite so explicit but the
intended effect is the same) for some time, care of the Unfair
Commercial Practices Directive.  It contains a general ban on unfair or
misleading advertising practices including falsely or misleading
representing that your only connection to a company is as a consumer.

In the UK the Directive is enacted by the Consumer Protection from
Unfair Trading Regulations and includes a specific prohibition on
"misleading conduct" which is theoretically wide enough to include
failing to mention that you have received a free piece of hardware from
a company.  

However, there is also de minimis requirement i.e. the behaviour must
be likely materially to distort or be likely to materially distort the
average consumer's economic behaviour.

A more sensible way to approach things IMHO.


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