trouty00;495165 Wrote: 
> Duet??

I completely forgot that. But no, I wouldn't want to get the Duet
either because it doesn't have a screen and I have heard bad things
about the remote (last time from you ;)).

aubuti;495166 Wrote: 
> I think you still don't quite understand the feature. Plug an external
> USB drive with your music library into the SB Touch and it appears on
> your network as a shared network drive, and all of the music is
> available to the Touch and any other SB in the house. How does this go
> "...against the whole idea of networked music player"?

I do understand this - but the list contained USB-drive and server
separately, so I assumed the first one referred to the simple "plug &
play" function that almost all music players have (you can plug
USB-stick into the device and it will play whatever music is stored on
it). Sorry the confusion.

aubuti;495166 Wrote: 
> Yes, you can control them through the web ui, if you want to be sitting
> at your computer while listening to music. I would say the whole idea of
> SBs is to get the user away from the computer.

And I would agree. That's why I control the music from my phone (any
phone with a decent web browser does the job) or my 9 inch laptop.

aubuti;495166 Wrote: 
> You can't find an SB3 at any retailers? What about eBay? Last I looked
> there were quite a few.

I guess I was a little unfair there - yes, I can still find the SB3
from some retailers. What I meant was that as it is no longer
manufactured, there's no guarantee how long it will be available or how
easy it will be to find one.

toby10;495178 Wrote: 
> Yes, for you it's not worth it.  I'm just pointing out the *many*
> advantages of the Touch over the (now discontinued) SB3, and these
> advantages will drive sales and generate new interest in the entire SB
> lineup.  And all for the same introduction price point as the original
> SB3.

I'm sure what you say is correct. It's just too bad that those who want
a player like SB3 (just a player with clear and large display) are left
out.Even if they buy the Touch, they are getting a smaller display.

toby10;495178 Wrote: 
> They are essentially taking the SB3 (which was wildly popular at $300 to
> many people), added numerous features and functions, and are offering it
> at the same introductory price point.

Oh yeah, the Touch would be awesome for $300. But not for *$438.6*
which is the price in Europe. The best price I could find for SB3 at the
moment was $248 (from a retail store). 

toby10;495178 Wrote: 
> Your options:  buy used SB 1/2/3's, wait a year or so for the Touch
> price to drop to current SB3 prices, buy lesser capable streaming
> devices.

As much as I would love to believe that the Touch will 1/3 cheaper
after a year, I can't. My guess would be 3 years.

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