Argh. The day when Squeezebox goes video will probably be the day when I
start looking for a different system. Or at least freeze the current
state of my hard- and software and stop updating.

Video is a completely different concept. For example, you don't have
the typical artist / album / track relationship. Or would anybody want a
random mix of their favorite movie scenes?

The biggest drawback of all video-capable players I have come across is
that you -have to- hook them up to a TV, otherwise you don't even get a
menu to operate them because they have no display of their own. And I
surely don't want TV screens all over my flat.

IMHO the step away from the large text display to tiny graphics
displays was already a step in the wrong direction. Instead of enjoying
the cover art on the screen, people are asking "Why can't the Radio play
YouTube videos?" - the customer is never satisfied. :rolleyes:

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