usch;510837 Wrote: 
> Argh. The day when Squeezebox goes video will probably be the day when I
> start looking for a different system. Or at least freeze the current
> state of my hard- and software and stop updating.
> Video is a completely different concept. For example, you don't have
> the typical artist / album / track relationship. Or would anybody want a
> random mix of their favorite movie scenes?
> The biggest drawback of all video-capable players I have come across is
> that you -have to- hook them up to a TV, otherwise you don't even get a
> menu to operate them because they have no display of their own. And I
> surely don't want TV screens all over my flat.
> IMHO the step away from the large text display to tiny graphics
> displays was already a step in the wrong direction. Instead of enjoying
> the cover art on the screen, people are asking "Why can't the Radio play
> YouTube videos?" - the customer is never satisfied. :rolleyes:

I agree with this. I'm not sure how I would put a popcorn in my
bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. Even in my main living/listening room i
would hate to have to turn my plasma on just to change track. In fact
for a while I did with my HTPC, which I ditched in favour of the more
elegant Squeezebox 3. None of the the 'jack of all trades' streamers I
have used, while great, come close to being as competent an audio player
as the Squeezebox. 

That said, I would not be adverse to a SqueezeVideo(tm) as long as the
video capable device complimented the current range and focus on
continuing to make the best music devices was not lost. But it would sit
next to my existng SB.


Cheers, auto.

*lounge:* squeezebox 3, squeezebox controller, cambridge audio 640a,
mission 701's *kitchen:* squeezebox touch, trends ta-10.1, kef cresta
1's. *bedroom:* squeezebox boom *bathroom/garden:* squeezebox radio
*car:* ipod classic 80gb *portable:* iphone 3gs 32gb (+ipeng)
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