slydog75;517119 Wrote: 
> I'm getting an error 3716: Saftey settings on this computer prevent
> accessing a data source on another domain.
> I'm running AAC on the same PC as Squeezebox server.  Here is my
> file
> "# $Id$
> # 
> # Squeezebox Server specific MySQL Server config.
> [mysqld]
> innodb
> skip-locking
> # If you want to have user permissions - you need to setup a valid
> user, and
> # remove this line below.
> skip-grant-tables
> basedir               = [% basedir %]
> datadir               = [% datadir %]
> tmpdir                = [% datadir %]
> language              = [% language %]
> port                  = [% port %]
> socket                = [% socket %]
> pid-file              = [% pidFile %]
> log-error             = [% errorLog %]
> innodb_fast_shutdown  = 1
> max_connections       = 4
> thread_concurrency    = 4
> log-warnings          = 0
> #bind-address          = [% bindAddress %]
> default-character-set = utf8
> default-collation     = utf8_general_ci
> key_buffer            = 2M
> max_allowed_packet    = 1M
> table_cache           = 64
> sort_buffer_size      = 512K
> net_buffer_length     = 8K
> read_buffer_size      = 256K
> read_rnd_buffer_size  = 512K
> [client]
> socket                = [% socket %]
> "
> As you can see I commented out the bind-address line as it says in AAC
> but it didn't make a difference.

This is a know issue and multiple solutions are listed on the ACC web
page. The most common solution is to Allow "Access to data sources
across domains" for the internet zone. This is an advanced internet
explorer setting (menu tools -> Internet options (or extra) ->



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