MusicManiac;517540 Wrote: 
> Hey there.
> First big problem – as of 1.30b3(which I noticed is now missing
> from your site), the unit will not shut off manually or go to sleep
> after having run SC. I'm forced to soft reset. Using SC 1.00, it shuts
> off fine.
I assume you have actually shut down SC, not just put it in the
Because there's an option to prevent the device from going into

Have you Activated the auto Wifi power-up?

> Performance wise, things are pretty smooth. There are a lot of times
> though where the animated transitions are hesitant and slow, ever after
> everything has been cached. Is that just the nature of it or is that
> something that will be tweaked later on down the road?
Could you tell me exactly which transitions are slow.
For instance, the slide-in/out transations in the browser ?
Or the cover-flipping in the main screen?
How long does the slide-in transation take - approximately. 1/2 second,
2 seconds?

The thing is, these animations are all on the software-level.
So they are slower than native animations (like e.g. on iPhone)

> Will it/can it be possible to have an option to adjust animation speed?
> Possibly also an option to disable it all together?
Yes it might be...

> While on performance, it would be nice to have a “manually
> rebuild cache” option in the server settings, or an additional pop
> up option when SC starts and detects a change. Being able to force SC to
> rebuild the whole cache in one go as opposed to rebuilding as you're
> trying to browse would be a welcome option.
To wipe the cache:
-> Settings -> 'cache' button -> Delete a particular cache

Besides that, SC fills the cache as needed.
So whenever it encounters a yet uncached image/album-list/etc it will
load and store it.
That is opposed to filling the cache all at once which would take
rather long.
The cache-on-demand is causing some sluggishness when an image is
loaded the first time.

> The 'quick scroll' A-Z sidebar in the library lists is great. I did
> notice though that it doesn't work at all in the album view. All the
> other views it works fine.
Thanks - you're confirming an issue that arztde had brought up.
I'll look into it.

> It would also be nice if the sidebar was a little more “finger
> friendly”. Right now its a little hard to use with as narrow as it
> is. 
:-) see above. I'll try and enlarge it. 
Space is so g..damn limited...

> One last question, will it be possible in the future to customize the
> buttons? Having the buttons you use the most show up first would be
> nice.
Do mean the browser button at the bottom,
or the popup-menu buttons in the main screen?

It is possible in general - but quite some work.
I'll conisder it some time from now.

Thanks for the great feedback.
Do get back to me. Particularly on the animation/transition issue.
I'd love to improve it for those large screens.
Thing is - its quite smooth in my 240x320 screen.



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