>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/21/05 9:40 AM >>>
> The truth of the matter is that the squeezebox software is, and
> always has been, very flakey.

Been running on various machines for about 2 years.  Very few 
problems.  None in the last 18 months that prevented music from 

> If you can give it a dedicated system, with nothing else running, 
> and no competition for bandwidth, it now seems mostly okay. If 
> you can't give it that level of resource, then, in my experience, 
> you're going to have constant, recurrent hassle.

Like you said, in your experience.  In my experience, I've got a 
low-end celeron 2.2ghz box running not only slimserver, but Asterisk, 
MythTV, Big Brother, RRDTool, and a few other smaller apps.  
Plus it functions as my squid proxy, bind, samba and cups 
servers and I still have an uptime of 150+ days.  If I didn't have to 
power it down to put it on my UPS, it would have been up to 
about 400 days by now.

Then again, I do unix sys admin at work, and my box runs like 
a top at home with my kids using it for the occasional game of 
tux racer too.

I don't think I'd ever use windows to run slimserver, although.
YMMV.  And I've never tried wireless.  That seems to be the 
cause of most of the problems.


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