andynormancx;518218 Wrote: 
> I'd agree, that would be easy if that was how it worked...
> But that isn't how it works. To get to this state all I did was create
> the three sync sets.
> Taking the Upstairs set as an example, the dropdown lists are as
> follows:
> Kitchen - "Unsyncronized or master", "Office", "Radio"
> Office - "Unsyncronized or master", "Kitchen", "Radio"
> Internet Radio - "Unsyncronized or master", "Kitchen", "Office"
> I honestly don't know what I am supposed to set to get the various
> players into the right sync sets. I expect I can work it out by
> experimentation, but it is far from obvious (to me) without said
> experimentation.

At long last I've improved the interface a bit.  Ok, not much.

Now The Synchronizer has the option of creating a new sync set, using
the current configuration of players in the system.  Set-up the players
the way you want them synchronized, and go create a new set with the
button checked, and voila, you've saved that configuration.  You can
edit it later, should you so desire.

In version 0.10 at

Give it a spin, let me know if it works for you.

If you still don't like the interface, feel free to suggest a new one. 
I'm willing to listen.



See my plugins at
The Synchronizer, GrabPlaylist, ResetVolume, and RemovePlayedSongs
SqueezeBox 2 -> Rotel RSX-1056 -> Totem Acoustic Dreamcatchers
SqueezeBox 3 -> Rotel RX-1052 -> Vandersteen 1B's
SqueezeBox 1 -> AudioEngine A2's
SqueezeBox Boom x 2
SliMP3 -> Retired
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