rfrost;548429 Wrote: 
> So the emerging consensus is that it's a network issue; I'll check that
> thoroughly, as I've had problems on that leg of the network in the
> past. It just seems odd that I'd get a slowing rather than an all/none
> result, as is usual in the digital world. Yet more digging in dusty
> areas to check the switchesÂ…

Slowing is often very much the problem with wireless issues.  First,
the wireless connection will commonly be renegotiated to a slower speed
when the signal is weak or interference is encountered.

Second, there's a the relationship between wireless network throughput
over some time period and its relationship with the buffer size on the
player.  You might encounter enough interference to completely shut
down the network connection, allowing the buffer to run out, then it
may clear for a moment, then back again and so on.  Whether you see
dropouts and a 'rebuffering' message will depend mostly on whether the
network can keep the buffer filled just enough to avoid the dropouts. 
That's why streaming MP3 instead of FLAC will often gain you continuous
playback - the same buffer that holds 30 seconds of FLAC audio might
hold 2 minutes of MP3 audio.


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