JJZolx wrote:
> That's why streaming MP3 instead of FLAC will often gain you continuous
> playback - the same buffer that holds 30 seconds of FLAC audio might
> hold 2 minutes of MP3 audio.

This is 100% true. Back when the SB1 was current and it used 802.11b,
you could often find that you could not reliably steam FLAC files.
Actually the SB1 didn't support FLAC itself, so when you had FLAC, you
actually sent PCM/Wav over the network. So a 2 minutes of MP3 would be
15 seconds of PCM. The solution then was to use Cat5. The SB2 improved
things in two ways, first, it supported FLAC decoding locally, so you
sent only 50% as many bytes, and second, it had twice the memory buffer,
so you had a net gain for four times the buffer for FLAC.

Even today, MP3 is a lot easier on marginal WiFi setups than FLAC.

Pat Farrell

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