Could anyone please provide a guide to how best adjust for volume
differentials between between albums when those albums have all been
ripped using iTunes?

I have spent hours reading comments on this and other forums but I
remain very confused.

My configuration is as follows:
a) iTunes 9 library stored on a ReadyNAS NVX
b) Squeezebox Server 7.5 runs on the ReadyNAS, using iTunes
integration, and "Album Gain".
c) SBS serves a Squeezebox Classic.
d) I also run a UPnP server on the ReadyNAS, using the same music
library, to serve a PURE Avanti radio/media player.

My music collection is a very broad mix, containing everything from
classical to hard rock.

My first intention was to use iTunes' Sound Check function.  However my
understanding is that will kill the large dynamic range inherent in much
classical music.  

I have used the Volume Adjustment option of iTunes (via the "Get Info">
Options tab).  Whilst this appears to store entries in the iTunes
Library file, including the .xml file, it appears not to affect the
final volume produced by SBS.  However, there appear to be some
anomolies here.  Consider the following test performed on a track
called "India" from an album "Flying Carpet":

1. In iTunes I turned the Volume Adjustment down to -80%.  Sure enough
the track is barely audible when played via iTunes.
2. An extract from the iTunes .xml file shows: 
        <key>Track ID</key><integer>2053</integer>
<key>Album</key><string>Flying Carpet (Disc 2)
<key>Volume Adjustment</key><integer>-203</integer>
3. After rescanning in SBS the Song Info shows a Volume Adjustment of
-13.81dB.  Viewing Tags shows an RVAD value of -13.944212.
However, the song plays at its original volume via SBS!

I have attached two screenshots of the Song Info screens.  As you will
see there is a mass of strange characters above the RVAD value - not
sure where these are coming from.  The last attachment shows the tags
reported by the mp3TAG utility.

|Filename: India3.JPG                                               |


Geoff J.
Tradewind25's Profile:
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