Cape11;577993 Wrote: 
> I'm only on 7.5.1 and I'll not get to 7.6 until it becomes official.
I made the proposal for 7.6, because that is in development now. I
thought there is a better chance to get it accepted.

Cape11;577993 Wrote: 
> Now yes, you can see the Lyrics tag in the LH column of SqueezeCenter
> player page, but only as a part-column window; on a small screen (such
> as an eeePC) all you get is a miserly three lines.
> (By the way: I approve your choice of the Perahia Beethoven sonatas - a
> superb CD!)

A netbook is maybe the right thing to view libretti on. I made my Now
Playing screen for the controller; its tiny screen is not suited to
show a libretto on, IMHO. Are you using the built-in lyrics view? There
are some plug-ins around, that may work better for you. I have no
experience with them myself, though.

The interpretation from Perahia is indeed superb. But also the
recording is excellent. Very natural sounding piano. I know from my
audio days way back that pianos (and cembalos) are the most difficult
instruments to record.


Co van Winsum
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