I think some people are missing the point on Revue vs. SB integration.

IMHO, the Revue was driven largely by Google as device to find/play
ONLINE, not locally-stored content. I find this to be the fundamental
difference between the Revue and other devices such as Boxee Box etc.

If that assumption is true, then  it would certainly be reasonable to
expect MSB integration, but perhaps not a significant focus on content
in local libraries.

With four BOOMs and a Duet, I'm a big fan of Squeezebox (also have a
Logitech Dream-Fi iPod dock), but want to distinctly separate my
whole-home audio system from the three locations where we watch
TV/movies (like others, I don't want to power the TV to listen to
music). For that reason, I have a couple of WDTV -Live- players to
handle my networked ~3TB HD video library.

I'm actively looking for another video device and Revue was certainly
on my candidate list, but;

1. I would have preferred to see the keyboard optional and an IR/other
remote as standard.
2. @$299, it's missing the mark on price: 3x the apple and many other
products and 2x the Boxee Box

Syabas screwed up the Popbox firmware, so I'm sad to say, Boxee might
be a better option for my needs.


1x Duet
SBS on WHS w/ 8TB storage
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