Mnyb;600227 Wrote: 
> No it wont.
> And your qnap can not do that it has to weak cpu .
> Do you have tags in your files ? as you are using folders instead of
> "artist" or "album" just wonder if you tagging was a mess .
> Did you scan first ? If you browse to a folder  where there are
> unscanned files sbs does a small scan and put them in the dB.
> As you have a NAS I suggest not meddling with the file types settings
> .
> Try to run the server on a PC , maybe it is a cpu issue :-/
> If sbs can handle the Touch on a PC but not on the NAS ?
> But further experimenting.... proves interesting, I have probably (not
> 100% sure yet) solved my issue :)
> I have had my server priority settings "high" in settings > advanced >
> performance , note this is linux "nice" levels -20 is highest priority
> 0 is normal -16 is high . I now have it on "normal" = 0
> It's seems like very high settings on a small server , makes it
> prioritize sbs over anything else like networking ? or other necessary
> system tasks.
> On weak server avoid to use the web-UI at the same time.
> Hopefully you have scanned with the precache artwork setting to yes
> otherwise sbs has to scale images everytime you change album.

My tagging is no mess (ripped using EAC and Flac frontend). Using My
Music and Music Folder gives a quick easy overview of what music I want
to hear. MMaybe I should try using artist and albums instead af see if
the buffering remains. 
What do you mean, "do you scan first". SBS only make a new scan when I
change something in my music library and maybe? when my nas is shut
down. My nas is always turned on (it goes into standby after 5 min of

It is not an option to run SBS on a PC!

I will try to alter server priority settings to -20.

I never use the web-UI when I stream music!

I have the Pre-cache albums on!

Thanx for the advise!

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