Thanks BPA. What I dont understand is why half of all the local FM
channels display Artist, Song Title, Favorite name correctly; while the
rest of the FM channels do not.  Wouldn't missing META support cause the
same symptom for all the FM channels?

Anyway, I could be happy to run debug logs if you think the logs could
help you fix the problem.  I dont use dedicated hardware clients...
only software based.

Thanks again for all your help,

bpa;604811 Wrote: 
> I did a bit more digging.
> Softsqueeze does not implement one slimproto command META.  This
> command passes back metadata back from player to SBS for display on
> player, WebUI etc. Softsqueeze does not implement the command so
> metadata is extracted by SBS.
> So it is possible that SBS extraction of metadata is different to a
> hardware player.  You can check this by enabling logging for
> player.streaming.remote to DEBUG and then run a test by
> starting/stopping playing a station on Softsqueeze and on a hardware
> player.
> Log lines as follows are metadata received from player 
> Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::ParseMetadata (153) Icy metadata
> received: StreamTitle='Nemesis - Koobi Fora';StreamUrl='';
> Log lines as below are metadata extracted by SBS
> Slim::Player::Protocols::HTTP::readMetaData (115) Metadata:
> StreamTitle='Nemesis - Koobi Fora';StreamUrl='';

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